Minutes – Royal Oak Civic Foundation Board of Trustees Committee Meeting
December 11, 3 p.m.
City Hall, Room 122, 203 S. Troy Street Royal Oak, MI 48067
- Chair Tom McGannon called the meeting to order at 3:15 p.m. Trustees present: Julie Lyons Bricker, Christopher Bower, Howard Collens, Sharlan Douglas, Alexander Fike, David Guest, Darien Neubecker, Peter Provenzano. Trustees present constituted a quorum. Staff present: Jill Marn.
- There was no public comment
- Agenda – Motion to approve the agenda. Moon by Fike, seconded by Douglas; approved
unanimously. - Consent agenda – Motion to approve the consent agenda. Moon by Fike, seconded by Guest;
approved unanimously - Shop with a Hero – Details are finalized as planned.
- Report to member – McGannon will finalize the report and asked all trustees to attend the annual
Member meeting on December 16. - Trustees provided input on the plan.
- Motion to approve the annual giving campaign with a budget up to $25,000. Motion by Darien
Neubecker, seconded by Douglas; approved unanimously. - Committees
- A. Governance
- The commi8ee recommends that the Member reappoint Neubecker and appoint new
trustee Jenn Banovitz-Basan - The board will recognize Amanda Sears
- Officer elections will take place in January
- Trustees need to make their annual donation.
- The commi8ee recommends that the Member reappoint Neubecker and appoint new
- B. Fundraising – The committee of Collens, Lyons-Bricker and Peetz will bring a plan to the board
- C. Finance – as submitted
- D. Marketing – as submitted
- E. Operations – as submitted
- A. Governance
- Next meeting
- Standard items 1-4
- Debrief on report to the Member – 10 minutes
- Debrief on Shop with a Hero – 10 minutes
- Finalize strategic plan – 40 minutes
- Annual giving campaign next steps
- Elections
- Motion to adjourn. Motion by Provenzano, seconded by Peetz; approved unanimously.
- Motion to adjourn by Douglas, seconded by McGannon; approved unanimously.