About the Community Benefit Fund
Community-driven programs to benefit everyone

The Royal Oak Civic Foundation is comprised of various city programs that enhance, assist, educate and protect our city and those who live and visit here.
When city officials and community members work together, it is a win-win where everybody thrives!
The community benefit fund collects monetary donations that are used to support the city programs, like the animal shelter, senior center, commission for the arts, nature society, public safety and more.
The Community Benefit Fund allows the Royal Oak Civic Foundation flexibility to give to the city’s greatest needs
Everyone in Royal Oak benefits from these programs, thus, funding and donations are key to keeping them running properly to keep our community members healthy, safe and engaged. More grants and donations mean more books, trees, help for area seniors, local public art and so much more.
Sometimes, specific organizations receive funds while other times, people wish to donate to the general fund and allow our team to disburse funds where most needed.
Either way, it is our job to track, oversee and ensure that each division runs as smoothly as possible and receives the funds it may need to continue to offer its services.
From the animal shelter to the senior center to the nature society and much more, our work is devoted to offering our community the services and resources it needs to thrive.
The foundation receives no public funds – all revenue is derived from contributions from other foundations, corporations and individuals.
Your Donation to Royal Oak Community Benefit Fund Makes a Difference
Supporting the civic programs and causes you care about in Royal Oak
If you are a resident or nearby community member or someone who simply loves and cares about the city of Royal Oak, you may consider donating to the Community Benefit Fund. The city’s well-being depends on it!
Many people are unsure of where the greatest need lies, which is why the Community Benefit Fund is imperative. The board of trustees and foundation staff work to identify projects through connections to community leaders and area nonprofits to be able to quickly and efficiently address program needs.
No donation is too small – and every donation goes directly toward the greatest need in our city’s programs. And everyone can be a philanthropist. In fact, small donations lead to big results!
Donating is something you can feel good about, and it will allow you to leave a legacy. You can also donate in memory of a loved one.
Your donation is always tax-deductible, and you can be assured it will be put to great use in the beautiful city of Royal Oak.
Your donation means so much to our community
Donate to Community Benefit Fund by completing the form below:
Donate by Mail to Community Benefit Fund
If you wish to donate by mail/check, please make checks payable to: ‘Royal Oak Civic Foundation.’
Click Here for the mail-in donation form to include with any mail-in checks:
Please send the donation form (above) along with your check to the following address:
Royal Oak Civic Foundation
Attn: Jill Martin, Executive Director
203 S. Troy St. Royal Oak, MI 48067